Reimagining Regulatory Approaches: on the Essential Role of Principles in Health Research Regulation

This article calls for a reimagining of regulatory approaches to health research. It is argued that an essential first step of such a reimagining involves the development of a deeper understanding of the diverse and indispensable roles which principles can play as regulatory decision-making aids. This topic merits attention given the fact that we perpetually rely upon principles without really considering what it is we are asking principles to do within the regulatory environment. In particular, this paper considers how principles can assist in addressing key challenges which new technologies pose to regulation, as well as the relationships that might exist between principles and rules in such instances. The discussion here takes place against the backdrop of the complex and evolving landscape of the governance of the reuse of data for health research. At the same time, the contributions in this article can be of real value to contemporary challenges in a far wider array of governance contexts beyond the health setting.

Issue 11:3 (206-343)

Issue 11:3 (206-343)

Editorial Doing the Right Thing? Karen Mc Cullagh and Daithí Mac Síthigh pp.206-209 HTML | PDF The 29th annual conference of the British & Irish Law, Education and Technology Association (BILETA) was hosted by Dr Karen Mc Cullagh (co-editor of this

Share and share alike? An examination of trust, anonymisation and data sharing with particular reference to an exploratory research project investigating attitudes to sharing personal data with the public sector

Volume 11, Issue 3, December 2014 Share and share alike? An examination of trust, anonymisation and data sharing with particular reference to an exploratory research project investigating attitudes to sharing personal data with the public sector Marion Oswald Cite as:

Doing the Right Thing?

Volume 11, Issue 3, December 2014 Editorial: Doing the Right Thing? Karen Mc Cullagh, Daithí Mac Síthigh Cite as:  Karen Mc Cullagh and Daithí Mac Síthigh, “Doing the Right Thing?”, (2014) 11:3 SCRIPTed 206 Download PDF DOI: 10.2966/scrip.110314.206 ©  Karen

Issue 11:1 (1-144)

Editorial Information Governance as a Force for Good? Lessons to be Learnt from Mark Taylor, pp.1-8 | HTML | PDF | has been in the news rather a lot recently. What do the trials and tribulations of the